Home: Westminster Citizens Climate Action Network


Westminster Citizens Climate Action Network (WeCCAN) campaigns for environmental change in the City of Westminster. We Want:

A reduction in air pollution

Action from the City of Westminster and from national Government to meet net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030

Support for Citizens struggling to reduce their carbon footprints

WeCCAN meets in person or by Zoom once a month outside the summer months. The next meeting will be on Tuesday January 9, at 7.00 (Note new time). Link: https://us02web.zoom.u/j/82657951758?pwd=T0ltSkNpL3p0TTk5S240SksrVFgxdz09

At the meeting on Jan 9th, Muntasir Sattar, a WeCCAN member who runs a community repair shop, will talk about Repairing, Community, and Sustainability in Westminster.

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